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Are you Elijah?
Nope, sorry.

Do you know Elijah?
No, I do not know Elijah, nor do I have any connections with him or his family, I'm just purely a fan.

Do you know Elijah's address/number/e-mail?
No, no, and no. If you want to contact him, do it through his mailing address.

Who are you?
Lucy, that's who started the site, and she lives in N.S.W, Australia last I heard. I'm Deenan and I live in the United States. I'm just a devoted fan of Elijah's.

Does Elijah have a girlfriend?
Elijah is currently dating.

Can I use the pictures on your site?
Of course you can! But remember to credit where the pics came from :)

Does Elijah ever come to the site?
During one interview he did say that occasionally his friends gave him sites to visit and considering this site is listed high on Yahoo and Google, I'd say he probably has seen it.

How do you get your site submitted on search engines?
If you submit it on the Open Directory, it should be up on Google, Yahoo! and all the other search engines within a month, tops.

How do I make a website?
There isn't really any one place to start. However most people start off using Angelfire, then as you learn HTML, you can either get hosted or pay for a host.

Was it hard to make this site?
Hell yeah! lol, nah, it just took a lot of time and patience to get it to where it is today... oh yeah... and Jochen :)

Can you send me all of the information you have of Elijah?
Yeah, I can share the information! That's what this site is for. :)

Does Elijah wear contacts?
Yes, but not colored ones, they're to help him see properly :) Although he has been spotted wearing glasses from time to time.

Where is Elijah now?
I assume you mean where is he living now? Well, he purchased a home in Venice Beach, California late in 2004. As of 2013 he splits his time living in Austin Texas as well. In 2015 he moved from his Venice Beach home to a new one in Los Angeles.

I heard that Elijah bites his toenails -- does he?
Apparently so, and he's admitted to doing so in interviews.

Does Elijah smoke?
Yes, he does [and don't go starting petitions to get him to stop -- he knows it's bad but it's his choice whether to stop or not]

Is it worth writing to Elijah? Will be reply?
Let's think about this logically. He obviously is very busy with work and receives hundreds of fan addressed mail, so he doesn't have the time to reply to everyone. You will most likely receive an autographed and photocopied black and white photo of Elijah, like Amity did [view]. So if you want it, go for it

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